G.E.A.R for Men

G.E.A.R. means men who are: Godly, Equipped, Accountable, and Reliable.
The Legacy Men’s Ministry purpose is to define “authentic manhood”. In our society, being a man can be confusing according to the world’s standards; but we will look at the Biblical call to be a real man as one who rejects passivity, accepts responsibility, leads courageously, and invests in eternity.
We seek to build men that God can use to make a difference in the world by developing relationships, exhibiting Bible engagement, and readily mentoring others. We strive to develop men who: live beyond reproach (1 Tim. 3:1-4), build godly character (1 Tim. 4:7,8), develop godly discernment (1 Chronicles 12:32), refine their influence (Ps. 78:3-7), will accomplish His purposes (1 Peter 4:10,11), are pure (Ps. 24:3-6), and finish well (2 Tim. 4:7,8).
The Men's Ministry at Legacy seeks to develop guys for their good, the good of their family, and their chosen vocation. Our strategy is to help men establish daily time for spiritual growth, frequent Men’s Breakfasts (which combine good food, friendship and a focused spiritual challenge), plus worship and pray together. We also regularly aspire to service opportunities with the talents and abilities God has given us, to help at church or others in need.
Our men's ministry is led by Bob Hubbert. He may be reached at: bob@legacychurch.us.